Sultry Summer Day Richmond

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City Eastern United States
Painted Plein air during the Plein air Richmond competition. Late afternoon from Libby Hill looking up main st., Richmond, VA. I loved the interesting composition involving the road and buildings that had aerial perspective challenges, as the road dropped in the foreground, but arose in the back. The old warehouse district melded into the modern city scape. I had sweat running down my back as I painted this as the temperature was nearly 100 degrees with very high humidity! This painting was awarded "First Honorable Mention" in the 2012 event by Everett Raymond Kinstler with about 50 artists participating from all over the U.S. I have won some "Best of Show" awards, Artists' and People's Choice Awards in other competitions, but to get any recognition from a modern master like Mr. Kinstler, is one of my most coveted awards, ever. I only applied to this event with hopes to just meet this legend of the art world.
Name Sultry Summer Day Richmond
Date Painted Jun 22 2012
Medium Pastel
Framed Yes